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Fanfic Illustrations for "The Last Note" by Lysana

Go to Lysana's author bio on to read this fic! :)

Summary: The entire story of Arda from Melkor/Morgoth and Sauron's perspective, from the Ainulindalė through the destruction of the One Ring, and ending with their final healing when Ilśvatar completes his music at the End of Time.

Setting: Silmarillion

Genre: Adventure/Friendship

Rating: T (PG-13)

Characters: Melkor & Sauron


Chapter 1: The First Music - 2 pictures

Chapter 2: Fires of Wrath (no fanart yet)

Chapter 3: Thuringwethil - 2 pictures

Chapter 4: The First War - 1 picture

Chapter 5: Utumno - 1 picture

Chapter 6: Building a Realm (no fanart yet)

Chapter 7: Akin to Estė (no fanart yet)

Chapter 8: The Dark Horseman (no fanart yet)

Chapter 9: Hallowed Iron (no fanart yet)

Future Chapters - 4 pictures