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Ask Navi

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Welcome to the Ask Navi column, where you can ask Navi the Fairy all the things you've been wanting to know about anything to do with the Legend of Zelda setting! You can ask for game advice on any Zelda game, you can ask for Navi's opinions about the characters, or anything else fun you can think of! We just have a few simple rules.


1. All questions must be rated PG or lower.
2. No cursing.
3. All questions must be in good taste.

We reserve the right not to post your question if we don't like it! If we turn your question down, we'll e-mail you to tell you so. If you get no response at all, we didn't get your question and would like you to resend it, please! :) (Please allow about a week, because we don't always check our e-mail every day.)

To submit a question, send us an e-mail and we'll forward it to her!

No one has sent in any questions yet! =(


"Navi's" responses are being provided courtesy of Fanfiction.Net author LivingInFantasy225, who also goes by the nickname LIF. Although we (Razzle and Lysana) provide the technical convenience of hosting this on our site, all enjoyment you get out of Navi's responses is purely LIF's own fun creativity!